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Hotel Surveillance Camera Solutions

Safety is the top priority for every hotel and accommodation service. Ensuring the safety of guests and the safety of staff is paramount, and making guests feel safe and comfortable is essential to delivering an excellent customer service experience.

Start with a Security System

The first step in securing hotel facilities is undoubtedly security camera systems. A comprehensive CCTV camera system installed in halls and entrances will protect against theft and vandalism. A properly deployed security system can also help guard against employee theft to ensure the safety of both hotel property and guests' belongings.

Other places where security cameras are important include the swimming pool and hotel gym, where traffic is heavy and the risk of theft is high. Apart from these areas, cameras can also be placed on elevators and stairs.

For additional security and evidence-providing measures, you should ensure that you have connected the correct NVR or DVR to your security system. Most of these systems now allow features like remote viewing and playback so you can access your security feed at any time from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Security cameras are vital in protecting against liability issues and lawsuits. Hotels can often be held liable for injuries and incidents that occur at hotels, and having a record of everything that happens is extremely helpful in the case of a liability claim.

How much storage do you need?

The video footage to be stored depends on the individual needs of the business, but most hotels store video archives for at least 30 days. 60 or 90 days is usually standard and provides a long record of everything that happens on the hotel grounds.

Ensuring privacy with security cameras

Placing security cameras in hotels can pose a privacy risk. Cameras should only be placed in public places and should be prominent enough to make guests feel safe and not so prominent as to appear threatening or invasive. Remember to follow the rules and laws regarding the privacy and placement of security cameras in hotels. It is illegal to install security cameras in hotel rooms.

Modern access control systems for hotels

Hotel key cards are a form of access control and guarantee that only guests and staff can access the hotel. They can also ensure that guests can only enter certain parts of the hotel to which they have access, such as the pool, room, gym. This increases the overall security of the building and makes guests feel safe throughout their entire stay. In employee-only areas, you can benefit from more comprehensive service access control systems, not just the typical plastic key cards.

Are mobile key systems secure?

Almost everyone carries a smartphone these days, and that's why many hotels are allowing the use of smartphones as room keys using RFID or Bluetooth Low-Energy technology paired with a mobile app. The system works essentially the same as other mobile access control systems, but there are also hotel-specific keyless access software and systems.

Like all mobile security systems, some potential methods can be used to disable mobile keycard systems. However, as with most other card systems, the majority of key card systems are encrypted and can be made completely secure to use with proper installation and security measures. You may not need to change all the locks and doors in the hotel to use your doors with mobile access control. You can strengthen your existing locks to work with mobile access systems.


Technology Consulting Project Company

FONETSAN Information Technologies and Engineering Inc. aspect; We have become one of the few technology solutions companies of Izmir together with you, our esteemed business partners, on this path we started in 2000. In this process; We have signed many valuable projects. We are proud to serve you by taking part in projects that lead to results with strong brands, including Turkey's leading projects. In order to be able to provide you with more comprehensive and professional services, FONETSAN A.Ş. We continue on our way.


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